Monday, April 22, 2013


Hey All!

Hope everyone had a great weekend...from the sounds of it...after catching up on all my blogs...everyone did.

I managed to stay busy but also get the every most important thing in...NAPS! We went furniture shopping for the new house and ended up with some great stuff! I am getting SO excited...30 days and counting till closing!!

I think I am more excited about getting a new mattress at this point than closing!

We also got an amazing new couch but I didn't get a picture and I can't find one online, so I'll have to post one up later.

We also got some updated photos of our little baby girls... :-)

She's looking like a little alien puppy! Hope her eyes correct soon :-D

Such a little beauty!

They can hardly stand-up yet.
I think we've finally decided that Lily and (Layla, Lucy, or Lexi) will be there I'm having the hardest time picking the other name.

I also did some hunting and found some other great jewelry for the store! I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on them:

I have been in such dire need of a haircut so I finally caved in and got one at the place that does my nails. She did an amazing job! I am SO happy with how it turned out:

So...I'm going to torture myself with 2 hours of spin tonight!!! Wish me luck!!! I just hope I can feel my ass when all is said and done!! 

I think I also figured out why I was SO extremely exhausted last week. I stopped taking the AdvoCare MNS 3 vitamins! I cannot believe what a difference they make on your body and the fatigue, focus, and workout motivation a person has. If someone asked me last week to do a 2-hour spin class I would've laughed in their face, but after taking the vitamins again for a few days I'm starting to feel back to normal.

I 'totes' believe the vitamins work wonders for your body! If anyone has questions...let me know! Happy Monday Fancies! :-)
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Hey All,

It's been a hot minute since I've posted last, but now that I am all settled into my new job and am seeing where my free time is, I can start posting again! Getting up at 4:30am everyday is not my cup of tea, but that is how the cookie crumbles and how I make the Benjamin's, so Blogging will just have to wait until after Spin which is over by 7:30pm and I'm home by 8pm! Sigh....just thinking about this schedule exhausts me. 

Hence, reason being for the mass delay in posting anything. I think I can continue to fit it in right between dinner and and type simultaneously :-D

Moving on...Weight Watchers....

I have been trying to track my food and activity but I am finding myself constantly going over and using all my PointsPlus values by day 3! Then when I haven't lost any weight, I get disappointed and wonder why?!?! Gee...not a hard equation to figure out here right: follow points & workout = lose weight :-D I guess I just need to get my ass in gear and stop messing around.

My legs are feeling a bit skinnier and I'm wearing a size 6 in pants, today, but the waist is squeezing me like rubber-band around a I still have a ways to go, but I am now just realizing I have to take this seriously if I expect it work properly. As you can see, my results thus far have been steady:

If I actually want to lose the weight I need to stick to eating healthy and leaving Mexican food out of the equation. Otherwise, I will remain steady and I'm not ok with that anymore.

In other awesome news, I am SERIOUSLY contemplating opening up an online Boutique. I'm still trying to convince the BF that its a GREAT IDEA! I really think people would love the clothes & jewelry as much as I do! Here's some samples...I'd love to hear your thoughts. 


If I am really going to do this...I need to know if people really want this stuff! Would you share it with your friends and family?!?! I'm taking a poll...the more requests I get, the more it will initiate a fire under my butt to finally do this!

Happy Hump-Day all!
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