Friday, November 8, 2013


My first 10K was not at all like I had hoped. 

I did not train. I hadn't run the weeks leading up to the race. I hadn't run several weeks prior, due to being busy lazy. It was cold. It was early.

These were before I knew what I was getting myself into:

I think this picture speaks a thousand words:

I look like I am walking, but I can assure you, I was in fact running. This picture was taken at the half-way point. The run was supposed to be 2 times around a set loop (a 5K) through streets and some trails. 

As I was passing the halfway point, I checked my watch and evaluated how I was feeling. At that point I felt good, it was about 40 minutes into the run. That's around 5 minutes longer than my first 5K, so I was happy with that pace. I knew I was slow, but I was ok with that given I hadn't done any running leading up to the race.

Once I rounded the finish line for the second loop, I felt like I hit a wall. My left ankle starting hurting, my lungs seemed to be malfunctioning, and cramps galore. If you look closely in the picture above, I was putting a lot more pressure on the outside of my foot, with my ankle slightly bending outward. Instead of hitting a flat posture giving my ankle proper support, I was running on the outside of my foot causing a rolling affect, which really messed my ankle up.

I had to run on my tippy-toe the rest to the run. It was not fun. 

Results: I was DEAD LAST and they were starting to pack up...Bob had to come find me as he thought I died along the way somewhere :-D

He found me, slowly making my way to the finish line and ran the rest of the way with me. I thought that was SO sweet of him. I finished at 1:34. Not great, but a great starting point for future success, I guess.

One of my 2013 New Years Resolutions accomplished. Check. Done. I was feeling VERY grateful at the end. Grateful I finished, grateful I had Bob to help me hobble in at the end, and just plain grateful that I could even participate; grateful that I have the ability to run

I couldn't walk afterwards, but I finished! I crossed the finished line and hobbled over off the main event walkway. I had to sit down and just stop moving for 20 minutes or so. My legs felt like 500 pound weights and I couldn't physically move anymore at that point. I just kept trying to stretch out and enjoy the moment. When I looked at my Runtastic app. it showed that I went 6.75 was much longer than the 6.2.

I can proudly say that since this race, which was October 19th, I've tried to push myself longer and harder in my weekly workouts. All these years, I've only ever done the 5K. I'm not sure what exactly I was afraid of. I never pushed myself harder or longer before this point. 

Up until now, anyway. I've been trying to run more, well last week anyway. During the week I did some small 2 mile runs and on the weekend, Bob and I did 4.63 miles, walking and running (we missed our turn, we were only supposed to do 4 miles). Then my girlfriend and I did 4.22 miles. I, of course, am still slow as shit. 

In a few weeks the Turkey Trot in Houston will be taking place. I am excited and hope to PR that run. Hope is the key word there!

I've figured out what my real, deep-rooted issue is, and why I haven't lost the weight. 

It's CONSISTENCY. Of which, I have NONE!!!!!

I haven't worked out once this week. It doesn't matter what my excuse might be, because I am thinking of several as I type. 

I need to be more consistent.period.end of story.

Does anyone else have this issue? And if so, how do you hold yourself accountable? I need some ideas. I need SOMETHING to keep me accountable. Losing the weight has been one goal I try to focus on, but that hasn't really done me so well up to this point. I've tried recruiting Bob to do CrossFit and Run with me, but that also hasn't really done me so well either as we miss workouts ALL THE TIME (like this week is a perfect example).

:( HELP ALL!!!! I need ideas.
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Don't forget to check out my online Boutique! We are having 50-60% off right now, on EVERYTHING, which includes all the amazingly famous workout tanks as well. Originally $21 & $25, Now $10.50 & $12.50. Sale percentages are taken off at checkout. These are great gifts for Christmas!

Friday, October 4, 2013


I have decided that Bob and I are ready for the next adventure...CrossFit.

My girlfriends were just in town and raving how much they love it and are feeling so much healthier already. I need something to snap me out of this frumpy, dumpy cloud I'm stuck in.

I attempted a CrossFit class a couple years ago and thought it was fun, but I was doing Bootcamp at the time and couldn't afford to do both. They aren't cheap!

So, I finished out my Bootcamp session, we moved and I looked around for closer facilities to the house and decided I'd hold off for now. I wanted save money since we just moved into a new house and have all these additional expenses. Instead, my next adventure would be SPIN, at the gym, for a fraction of the price. I

I loved SPIN! BUT, not having accountability totally kills me. If I don't force myself to go or have Bob pushing me, I have such a hard time keeping myself focused. Over the past 6 months my attendance has completely diminished. I'm lucky if I go once a week now :-(  (And I wonder why I've gained weight)

I have been trying to pick up running again, and after not running and only doing spin, my pace has been destroyed. I am literally back to a beginner's pace 12-14 minutes a mile, and there's nothing wrong with that, but to me it's a huge disappointment as I worked SO hard to improve that time.

I have a 5K tomorrow morning, the Susan G. Komen - Breast Cancer Awareness Run, which I am totally stoked about! I bought a special shirt to wear too! I've always wanted to participate but I've missed it every year. This year I signed up, by myself, and plan to push myself the entire 3.1 miles!

I'm hoping to send my pictures to add to the Motivational Monday's blogpost Runs For Cookies she does every Monday! Katie is my inspiration little does she know it! She has a great blog...go check her out :)

Thinking about starting the Paleo Diet, again, but strictly this time. No cheating like before. Has anyone every tried Paleo? And, what are your favorite recipes? I would love to hear what others think.

Happy Friday All!
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Where has the time gone...

It has been 5 months since I have last posted...and I'm bittersweet about it.

I am happy to finally be back...but I am sad because I have to report that during these past 5 months... I've gained all the weight I've lost PLUS some.

I know its a culmination of stress; from starting my new job, eating out more; mexican food is my arch nemesis, not exercising; finding out I have a Thyroid issue, and lets not leave out coming up with any excuse to justify it.

I can attribute some of the extreme fatigue, migraines, and SOME of the weight gain to the Thyroid, but not ALL of it.

For those of you who follow Mama Laughlin blog over at, Mama Laughlin: Wife, Boy-Mom, Fitness Fanatic.Laugh a Little, would have seen her post the other day that seriously made me reevaluate my life.

It was about 'Accepting what you have done to yourself' and moving forward with a new lifestyle change. She was so spot on to exactly how I have been feeling these past few months, It was almost creepy :-D

I was recently looking back at my Weigh-In-Wednesday's from January of this year and I remember being SO disappointed that I weighed 159. I have gained just around 6 pounds since my January Weigh-In-Wednesday, which some people would say is very little and I shouldn't worry about it, but I was already overweight and was needing to be losing not GAINING. It's SO much harder to lose it once its packed on. I know people understand that!

Most days I want to cry...honestly. Other days I try to workout and get myself into a routine and a plan to starting losing again. Then some days, I throw my hands up in the air and say F'it and eat Mexican food, which leads me back to the first thing.

I feel like I am trapped in this cycle and I cannot get out of this loop. 

So, I am starting all over again. My plan to sign myself for another 5K and get my butt ready for it. My work is doing a 5K this Saturday and I plan to sign-up to do it. I kept going back and forth all day yesterday on if I really wanted to do it. More to next adventure is just starting!

I'd love to hear what others do when they workout at lunchtime.

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Monday, April 22, 2013


Hey All!

Hope everyone had a great weekend...from the sounds of it...after catching up on all my blogs...everyone did.

I managed to stay busy but also get the every most important thing in...NAPS! We went furniture shopping for the new house and ended up with some great stuff! I am getting SO excited...30 days and counting till closing!!

I think I am more excited about getting a new mattress at this point than closing!

We also got an amazing new couch but I didn't get a picture and I can't find one online, so I'll have to post one up later.

We also got some updated photos of our little baby girls... :-)

She's looking like a little alien puppy! Hope her eyes correct soon :-D

Such a little beauty!

They can hardly stand-up yet.
I think we've finally decided that Lily and (Layla, Lucy, or Lexi) will be there I'm having the hardest time picking the other name.

I also did some hunting and found some other great jewelry for the store! I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on them:

I have been in such dire need of a haircut so I finally caved in and got one at the place that does my nails. She did an amazing job! I am SO happy with how it turned out:

So...I'm going to torture myself with 2 hours of spin tonight!!! Wish me luck!!! I just hope I can feel my ass when all is said and done!! 

I think I also figured out why I was SO extremely exhausted last week. I stopped taking the AdvoCare MNS 3 vitamins! I cannot believe what a difference they make on your body and the fatigue, focus, and workout motivation a person has. If someone asked me last week to do a 2-hour spin class I would've laughed in their face, but after taking the vitamins again for a few days I'm starting to feel back to normal.

I 'totes' believe the vitamins work wonders for your body! If anyone has questions...let me know! Happy Monday Fancies! :-)
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Hey All,

It's been a hot minute since I've posted last, but now that I am all settled into my new job and am seeing where my free time is, I can start posting again! Getting up at 4:30am everyday is not my cup of tea, but that is how the cookie crumbles and how I make the Benjamin's, so Blogging will just have to wait until after Spin which is over by 7:30pm and I'm home by 8pm! Sigh....just thinking about this schedule exhausts me. 

Hence, reason being for the mass delay in posting anything. I think I can continue to fit it in right between dinner and and type simultaneously :-D

Moving on...Weight Watchers....

I have been trying to track my food and activity but I am finding myself constantly going over and using all my PointsPlus values by day 3! Then when I haven't lost any weight, I get disappointed and wonder why?!?! Gee...not a hard equation to figure out here right: follow points & workout = lose weight :-D I guess I just need to get my ass in gear and stop messing around.

My legs are feeling a bit skinnier and I'm wearing a size 6 in pants, today, but the waist is squeezing me like rubber-band around a I still have a ways to go, but I am now just realizing I have to take this seriously if I expect it work properly. As you can see, my results thus far have been steady:

If I actually want to lose the weight I need to stick to eating healthy and leaving Mexican food out of the equation. Otherwise, I will remain steady and I'm not ok with that anymore.

In other awesome news, I am SERIOUSLY contemplating opening up an online Boutique. I'm still trying to convince the BF that its a GREAT IDEA! I really think people would love the clothes & jewelry as much as I do! Here's some samples...I'd love to hear your thoughts. 


If I am really going to do this...I need to know if people really want this stuff! Would you share it with your friends and family?!?! I'm taking a poll...the more requests I get, the more it will initiate a fire under my butt to finally do this!

Happy Hump-Day all!
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