My girlfriends were just in town and raving how much they love it and are feeling so much healthier already. I need something to snap me out of this frumpy, dumpy cloud I'm stuck in.
I attempted a CrossFit class a couple years ago and thought it was fun, but I was doing Bootcamp at the time and couldn't afford to do both. They aren't cheap!
So, I finished out my Bootcamp session, we moved and I looked around for closer facilities to the house and decided I'd hold off for now. I wanted save money since we just moved into a new house and have all these additional expenses. Instead, my next adventure would be SPIN, at the gym, for a fraction of the price. I
I loved SPIN! BUT, not having accountability totally kills me. If I don't force myself to go or have Bob pushing me, I have such a hard time keeping myself focused. Over the past 6 months my attendance has completely diminished. I'm lucky if I go once a week now :-( (And I wonder why I've gained weight)
I have been trying to pick up running again, and after not running and only doing spin, my pace has been destroyed. I am literally back to a beginner's pace 12-14 minutes a mile, and there's nothing wrong with that, but to me it's a huge disappointment as I worked SO hard to improve that time.
I have a 5K tomorrow morning, the Susan G. Komen - Breast Cancer Awareness Run, which I am totally stoked about! I bought a special shirt to wear too! I've always wanted to participate but I've missed it every year. This year I signed up, by myself, and plan to push myself the entire 3.1 miles!
I'm hoping to send my pictures to add to the Motivational Monday's blogpost Runs For Cookies she does every Monday! Katie is my inspiration little does she know it! She has a great blog...go check her out :)
Thinking about starting the Paleo Diet, again, but strictly this time. No cheating like before. Has anyone every tried Paleo? And, what are your favorite recipes? I would love to hear what others think.
Happy Friday All!

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