Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Hey All!

I am joining a 10-Day Cleanse for AdvoCare challenge that Mama Laughlin and SkinnyMeg are heading up!

Here is my contribution for a "Clean Eating" recipe:

It's Quick Paleo Chili!

1 lb grass-fed ground beef
1 medium onion (chopped)
2 tbsp olive oil
4-5 cloves garlic (minced)
1 can organic tomatoes 14.5oz (petite-diced)
1 green bell pepper (chopped)
3-4 tbsp chile powder (depending on how you like the heat :))
2 tsp dry oregano
1-2 tsp ground cumin
salt and pepper

Add olive oil to a pan on medium heat, brown ground beef with chopped onion and minced garlic. Then add tomatoes, bell pepper, chile powder, oregano, cumin, and salt. Then simmer the mixture for 20 mins or until the meat and green peppers are tender and the tomatoes cook into a sauce. Salt and pepper to taste. Possibly the addition of some tomato paste might be good, though I didn’t have any while making this dish this week and it tasted great.

Can't wait to see and try all the great recipes from others! Feel free to drop a comment with your recipe's and I can share them with others.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Hey All!

I thought I would do a post on Running Tips...who doesn't like to hear some good tips and tricks to become better!

Here our some tips that I have come across and follow when I'm running:

(1) Your running technique is just as important as your breathing technique.

Your foot should be hitting directly under your knee and in the middle of the foot. Heal hitting slows you down and toe running can exhaust you more quickly. Click here for a short video of the proper body form you should have while running. It really helped me understand how to better my stance!

(2) Start slow, take short timed walk breaks in-between your run.

When you first start out, you may notice your out of breath quite frequently. This is totally normal and will get better the more you run. Remember though if you wait more than 3 days in-between runs, your exhaustion sets in sooner, i.e. after .15th or .25th of your first mile. I would say try to run every other day and when you get to the last .10th of a mile, sprint as fast as you can! It will help you be able to run faster...slowly over time. When I run I try to take a 20-60 second break when I get to mile 1.15 and again at mile 2.15. I have noticed at these markers I can pull out a faster pace when I time my breaks and mentally give myself a goal.

(3) Get your ladies a good sports bra!

The last thing you need to worry about is the sisters flopping around while your running. Plus, when your running it's painful to have them bouncing around town while your trying to focus on breathing and not dying! I like super high compression sports bra's.

(4) Make sure your feet have a great SHOE!

Running takes a toll on your body and it's super important to make sure you are supporting your heels, ankles, and arch with a proper shoe. It can affect everything from your foot to your knees to your hips and back. Your shoes affect your entire BODY so make sure you get a great support and stability. My fav's our:

(5) Music, Music, Music!

Whether you create a playlist or listen to Pandora (like me :-)) It will make your run so much better. I personally like an upbeat, fast, 'jammin' out' type run, but others may prefer some oldies but goodies. Whichever kind of music you like, make sure you have your music as it will help keep you motivated along the way.

(6) Get a good running app. I have tried several different types and they all typically do the same thing:

Whatever you choose, make sure it has GPS option with time, pace, and voice feedback capabilities. 

(7) Sign yourself up for 5K's on the weekend (or when you have a day off).

When you have to be accountable to yourself, your more likely to push yourself during the week. One of my good friends did this, so I decided to try it and now I love running 5K's. It really makes me keep myself accountable during the week and on the weekends, and keeps me from going out to eat and drink! 5K's also keep me pushing myself on my weekly runs to make a better time. I use them to push myself harder each and every day. With the money mostly going to charity, I would rather give up shopping to run now! I never would have said that 2 years ago. 

Make sure you ask some friends or your significant other to come with to cheer you on. It makes a huge difference while your running. When I see Bob along my trail it motivates me to keep going strong and smile pretty for the camera :-)

(8) Include Strength Training in your weekly workout schedule.

To become faster, you need to build the muscles in your core as well as legs. Get your squats in with a 20-25 lb. weights and use 15-20 lb. for all other leg training. After a couple of weeks you will start noticing your body slim down as well as build muscle in areas you never thought would look tight! I promise!

Since up'ing my strength training I have noticed the ability to run faster and go longer. And, I am finally getting comments from people noticing a difference. I really try to get a great core workout in touching all areas like legs, arms, shoulders, and booty. 

(9) Eat healthy, well-balanced meals; skip the processed foods and make sure your getting your protein.

Within 30 minutes after working out you need to get some protein into your body. I use a random protein powder that is all right, it tastes powdery and fake, but I cannot wait to try AdvoCare's brand. After working out your body needs that protein to start repairing the damage caused to your muscles. Without it, you will notice your body doesn't heal as fast nor does it respond as quickly to the change your forcing into.

Make sure your getting your vitamins!

Eating clean is probably one of the most important aspects of seeing results when running. If your running 5K's and eating Big Mac's everyday, you will not see results, obviously. You will actually gain weight. Use your best judgement, if you wouldn't feed it to your baby, then it shouldn't be going in your mouth! That's just how I try to approach it. Right, wrong, or indifferent eating habits can make or break your weight loss plan. Make sure your drinking LOTS of WATER too! WATER WATER WATER!

VITAMINS, VITAMINS, VITAMINS...make sure your getting your vitamins in for the day, too. It's super important to replenish your bodies vitamin deficiencies. I really like AdvoCare as they come in little packs that tell you exactly when to take them during the day. Also, they are super convenient and I take them 'to-go' all the time. My hair and nails have been growing like crazy and my energy is through the roof! I've even given up coffee, which I never thought could happen and my allergies have subsided. (I am not paid to say these things, I just love the products and have become a distributor and now I get a great discount, ask me how you can too :-))

Some say using an App to track your calories is a great way to hold yourself accountable. I think it's a great idea...I just don't always remember to do it and I end up forgetting for days :-/ If you like to track, GO FOR IT! It will help you. 

(10) Last, but not least, get yourself a Polar watch.

The greatest things about these Polar watches is the ability to watch your calories burned throughout any workout! It tracks by your age, body height, weight and heart beat. The faster your heart-rate, the more calories you burn. Not rocket science! :-D

I push myself harder now that I have my watch than I did before. If I can see I am close to burning 700 calories at bootcamp, then I will push myself super hard just to reach my goal. Best money I've spent. I got Bob one for Valentine's Day, so you can always put it on your wish list from your honey!

It sucks some days. I know. It's hard. I know. It feels like your not seeing results. I know. All I can tell you is...KEEP GOING! Don't give up.

That's it top 10 running tips! Hope you've enjoyed. I'd love to hear your leave me a comment! If you liked my post, go 'Join This Site' link along the right-hand side. 

Found this great article, it has a few good tips as well :

"How Fast Should Beginners Run?
By Karen Janos • For

Many runners struggle with their pace and how to run faster. If you're a newbie runner and aren't sure how fast to run, don't worry. Most experienced runners feel the same way, and many of them do not incorporate speed work into their training properly. Many of them end up injured, burned out or with no noticeable difference in their speed.

To avoid these common problems, here are the basics of how to incorporate speed work into you training for the best results.

Find the Right Pace:

First, work up to a running base of 30 minutes at an "easy" pace. What's an "easy" pace? Well, an easy pace is when you can carry on a conversation with someone while running without gasping for air. You can speak in sentences, not just yes or no answers. You should not be able to sing comfortably for any extended period of time. If you can sing, you need to increase your pace a little.

Once you've reached 30 minutes at your easy pace, you should aim to run at that pace for most of your training runs. Running at an easy pace several times a week allows you to focus on good form, helps your muscles learn to burn fat more efficiently, and teaches your lungs to utilize oxygen easier. These easy runs are essential to building your endurance, and to maintaining your strength. Do not make the mistake of thinking these runs are not helping you become a better runner.

As you gain more fitness, you may feel the desire to increase your speed. If you do, add one faster run per week. As you improve you may add two faster runs per week, but don't push it. It is essential that you not overdo faster runs, as you risk injury or burn out. Also, make sure not to do your faster runs on back-to-back days. Your body needs time to rest in order to get stronger.

Basic Speed Work for Beginners:

There are two basic types of speed work runs beginners should know: fartleks and tempo runs.

Fartlek is a Swedish term that means "speed play," and is an unstructured way to incorporate speed into a run. During a fartlek, simply increase your pace for a speed interval and then slow down to slightly slower than your normal pace for a rest interval. The length or distance of your faster intervals completely depends on how your body feels. You should be running at a "comfortably hard" level. Try increasing the pace for 200 meters or 30 seconds with a 90-second rest interval. Or run for 1 minute at a faster pace and then slow down for 2 minutes. Do what feels right for your body. Just remember to make sure to rest long enough to truly recover between your faster intervals. Also, always do a 5- to 10-minute warm-up and 5- to 10-minute cool down for every run.

A tempo run is also good for increasing speed. It is more structured than a fartlek and requires you to run a certain distance or time at a faster speed. You should also run a tempo run at a "comfortably hard" pace. One example of a tempo run would be to run a 5- to 10-minute warm-up, then run 15 to 20 minutes at a harder pace, and then cool down for 5 to 10 minutes. Another example would be to run a 1-mile warm-up, 2 miles at a faster pace, and then a 1-mile cool down. You can vary this according to your ability, and please note that your faster pace during a tempo run will generally be slightly slower than your fartlek pace.

Speed work will help your body handle lactic acid in your muscles more efficiently, and will also increase your body's ability to utilize oxygen. By increasing your body's efficiency in these areas, you will be able to sustain a faster pace during a race.

As you continue with your training, remember not to push your body too hard. Most of your runs should be at an easy pace with a faster run thrown in once a week or so. Do not do faster, harder runs back-to-back, and always stop if you experience any pain. The idea is to get faster and stronger slowly and steadily. With a little patience, you will reach your goals and stay injury-free."

Monday, February 25, 2013


Hey All,

Where has the time gone! I haven't posted anything since last week...oppsy!

I was needing some inspiration today after having my first alcoholic beverage in over 2 months this past weekend. Saturday night was full of Pinot Grigio and lots of other Rodeo Cook-off shenanigans!

Hmmm...Pinot Grigio!

Had SO much fun at the 2013 Cook-off :-)

Good times!
I signed up for the Houston Rodeo Run for Saturday morning, but didn't end up making it. :-( It wasn't because I drank, cause I did enough of that on Saturday night, but because I was exhausted. The whole week in San Diego killed me. But I am proud of myself, I managed to work out hard and push myself in the gym. When I got home, Bob said my booty was looking smaller!!!!! That was such a great compliment, it was just what I needed to hear :-)
I was having a hard time getting motivated today, so I found some great inspiration that pushed me through and I got my 700 calories burned today.

Repeat to yourself ;-)

Love this!

Probably the only good thing about Monday's is The Biggest to represent here's an awesome quote from Jullian:

Hopefully you all got your booty's up and burned some calories today. If not, the night is not over. I would love to hear what motivates you.

Working on some ideas for posts, anyone have any good ideas or suggestions/recommendations?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Hey All!

I'm in San Diego this week and am super excited about the entertainment, i.e. Seaworld!

My expectation was to wake-up early today and workout but that didn't happen. I even brought my Jullian Michaels videos too. This is probably the main reason why I hate traveling for work. Second would be NO healthy food options.

Travel = Havoc to my diet/exercise routine

In other random news, I found this awesome scarf on Etsy and it finally arrived. For those that know me, my initials are kinda premature! I had my "soon-to-be one day" new last name engraved on it. I didn't want to get my maiden name then in a year it be changed. Is it wrong of me?!?!

On the plane ride here I was able to get through more than half of my "8-hour Diet" book. It's truly interesting to me and I cannot wait to finish it so I can begin the "intermediate fasting" technique.

Short post but there will be more to come this week, including before & after pic updates!

Friday, February 15, 2013


Hey All! So sorry I am late in posting...I have been crazy busy at work lately.

It's that time of the week again...time to jump on that oh so awesome scale and smile about the number I see! Try again...I almost dread jumping on the scale now because I expect to see this low number after working out so hard each week, yet it hardly moves >:-(  

I weighed in at the same number as last week: 159.0

Being a tad disappointed, I pushed myself to burn 400 calories at the gym that night. The next morning, feeling good, I decided I would jump on the scale just to see if by any chance it changed. Sho-enough it moved!!!!!

Wha! What! Is that a loss!

And, I finally got a pedicure! So no more looking at the half-painted, sausage toes!

The past few days I've been working on my mus-cles, trying to include strength training with my cardio (runs):

Look at that a$$!

Love having a workout partner!

I also found a great circuit to use. Check it out! Let me know your thoughts on it ;-)

After our sweaty workout together!

I haven't signed up for any 5K's recently, so I decided to locate one and sign my ass up! The ConcoPhillips Rodeo Run in Houston is February 23rd. Can't wait:

I need some running partners! Who is in?!?!

In other awesome news, one of my awesome few followers nominated me for a Liebster Award! Thanks Meagan! You can find her awesome blog @:

My answer to the questions!

11 Questions For My Nominees To Answer:

1. If you could change one moment in life, what would it be?
I would probably change...quitting my high school softball team. I think if I would have stuck it out, I could have been really good and would have focused more in school, leading to better grades and perhaps a different path in life. (not that I don't love mine, but you never know right?)

2. What is your favorite way to relax?
My favorite way to relax is probably shopping! I have a hard time sitting still for long periods of time. I am always keeping myself busy! I do love a good nap on Saturday's and Sunday's though!

3. If you had to paint everything in your life one color, what color would it be?
I am addicted to coral! Hence the font!

4. What is your dream car? 
Dream car would have to be a Mercedes GL series SUV. I love them!

5. If you could be famous for any reason, superficial or not, what would it be?
It would be for the ability to make a dollar turn into a 1000 in a second. Or, invent a money tree!

6. If you had to live in the city/town of any TV show, which would it be?
Beverly Hills or Orange my housewives!

7. What song on your iTunes has the highest play count?
I never listen to my iTunes...I'm all about some Pandora! I like to mix it up constantly.

8. If you could change one thing that's happened in the past, what would it be?
I would change getting plastic surgery when I was 18. Long story...I should do a post on it one of these days if anyone is interested in hearing about it.

9. Do you prefer the city or country?
When I was younger I preferred the city life. Now that I'm older, I like being away from the hustle and bustle and in the 'burbs' with the baby-makers! ;-)

10. What's your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve...hmmm...I have so many! :-D Probably my biggest is that person that thinks they know everything when they actually don't! It makes it almost impossible to talk to people like that or want to be their friend, ya know!

11. If you didn't have to work for an entire year, and money wasn't a factor, what would you do with your life?
I would probably invent my fitness clothing line I've always wanted and travel around the world to sell it in stores!

Thanks again Meagan for my nomination! Very sweet and thoughtful thing to do!

Everyone that is reading my me a favor and click 'Join this site' on the right hand side of this post. I need to see your love! ;-)

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Hey All!

Hope everyone has had an amazing week. I myself can say I have had better. :-( Wha Wha Wha....

I went to Denver this past week for work and it threw my whole schedule off, i.e. working out and eating right.

I think I gained back the 4 pounds I lost, and I haven't been motivated to workout. Thursday when I flew home I forced myself to go to took everything in me to get the energy to exercise.

Pushup into a burpee.

Ropes are the worst...but such a good workout!

Building those arm muscles!
For not having any motivation, I'll take it!
I was glad I pushed myself through the workout...but when I got home Bob was making TACO's! So I mainly burned all my dinner's calories.

House Update:

Coming along!  Took this @ our meeting on 2/8/13

Car Wash Shower sticks out on the left-hand side! Cannot wait to use it!
Friday, It's Friday:

Night out with Friends.
We decided to do a last minute happy hour with some friends on Friday night. I'm addicted to my bradybands now and never do my hair anymore! Lol! Since I am still on my 2-months no drinking for my New Years Resolution, I sipped on some lemon water...hmmmm! Lol. I can honestly say it's nice not being HUNGOVER and waking up refreshed the next morning. 

Normally when I drink, I wake up several times throughout the night, I'm dying of thirst from obviously being dehydrated, and then I'm lethargic the ENTIRE next day. No thank you! I am enjoying this nice change from the normal (which sounds horrible to say LOL). 

After I woke up, Lola was starring at me, so I asked her if she was wanted to get dressed with mommy! Lol. Don't ask me what I was thinking...I love dressing up my dog in ALL my clothes! She actually doesn't mind it. When I take it off she freaks out and doesn't stop nudging at it! Lola is the BEST dog I've EVER had. She is SO sweet and I cannot wait to have kids and take lots of photos with both my babies all dressed up :-)

Bully with a bull-zer on! Lol :-)

In other fabulous news, I bought this new book from Amazon. I've just started reading it, but mainly it talks about "intermediate fasting" and eating these 8-PowerFoods within an 8-hour period instead of the traditional 3 meals a day and 2 snacks in-between. 

I plan to update you all more on my thoughts, progress, and where I take it over the next few weeks. I do have to say one thing, this book has quite a bit of research associated with it and elaborates on laboratory tests in the beginning chapters, which is more than I thought it would go into. I like the science factor thus far and how you can actually see this was tested and researched and not just being thrown out there as another "diet." Call me a nerd or crazy, but it's really interesting!

I also finally received my Jullian Michaels video's! I am trying to mix up my cardio a bit and not just only have running and boot-camp in my fitness schedule.  I hear GREAT things about the 30-Day Shred so I'm super pumped to try it out!

To finish off the week, I went to go see my chicky @Paris Gallery Salon and Spa on Friday for my awesome Shellac Spa Mani! At first I wasn't sure if the pink was going to look ok...but now I am loving it! It looks so pretty with everything I wear and adds just a bit of color to make a pop to the outfit! Love Love!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday! I'm headed out to the gym here soon to burn off all the calories I ate at the Wing joint last night! I think I need to be there the rest of the night :-/ At least I'm not HUNGOVER! Yeah!!

See ya Fancies!