I realized a while ago, but have been ignoring it, I think. We all have all faced this at one point in time, I'm sure, but I'm finally ready to admit it. I have MIRROR MISCONCEPTION!
When I look at myself, in the morning after getting ready, I think, "oh this outfit is cute." In my bathroom I only have a half-size mirror so I never really see the full-body image or look long enough to get disappointed with myself.
Yesterday, while at my first spin class, I looked at myself in the mirror, {which was hardly avoidable since they are everywhere} and was shocked at what I saw...I am truly a fatty!
Why is it that I "think" I look skinnier than I "actually" am? It seems to be the same with pictures, click {HERE} for a post on when I was hinting at this issue but avoiding it again.
My arms and ass look GIGANTIC in these pictures! What is wrong with how I view myself cause that morning I was thinking I looked skinnier in that outfit than what was really going on!
Why do I wear blind-floders?!?! Why does this not motivate me to get my ass in better shape?!?! Does anyone have any insight into this body misconception issue I have?!?!
On another note, I found this AMAZEFEST new rug! I want to paint the office navy blue and use this awesome rug for under the future desk. I found a 7X10 for $94! Great steal!
Also got my nails done yesterday and I'm loving the new pink! It's so fun and summery!
I tried my first SPIN class yesterday morning and LOVED it :-) It was such a great workout and burned SO many calories. I plan to add in BodyPump or treadmill after the spin class to get some mucho calories burned and to shrink this giant ass I seem to think isn't giant at all! Lol.
I found A Tad Monroe jewelry and have become obsessed! It is SO cute and affordable. They have trunk shows every Tuesday night @ 8pm CST. You have the opportunity to get some great pieces and they ship quickly! I am super excited and cannot wait for what's to come this Tuesday. I think I might start doing 'A TadMonroe Tuesday' post and show off the pieces I purchased. Who doesn't love some new jewelry!
Thanks to SkinnyMeg for posting her latest decor addition on her IG! I just got mine and am ordering the frame as we speak. Cannot wait to get it in so I can start using it! You can order your's over at Sarah's Etsy Shop!
Happy Sunday Fancies! And, St. Patty's Day :-) Don't drink too much!

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