Friday, February 15, 2013


Hey All! So sorry I am late in posting...I have been crazy busy at work lately.

It's that time of the week again...time to jump on that oh so awesome scale and smile about the number I see! Try again...I almost dread jumping on the scale now because I expect to see this low number after working out so hard each week, yet it hardly moves >:-(  

I weighed in at the same number as last week: 159.0

Being a tad disappointed, I pushed myself to burn 400 calories at the gym that night. The next morning, feeling good, I decided I would jump on the scale just to see if by any chance it changed. Sho-enough it moved!!!!!

Wha! What! Is that a loss!

And, I finally got a pedicure! So no more looking at the half-painted, sausage toes!

The past few days I've been working on my mus-cles, trying to include strength training with my cardio (runs):

Look at that a$$!

Love having a workout partner!

I also found a great circuit to use. Check it out! Let me know your thoughts on it ;-)

After our sweaty workout together!

I haven't signed up for any 5K's recently, so I decided to locate one and sign my ass up! The ConcoPhillips Rodeo Run in Houston is February 23rd. Can't wait:

I need some running partners! Who is in?!?!

In other awesome news, one of my awesome few followers nominated me for a Liebster Award! Thanks Meagan! You can find her awesome blog @:

My answer to the questions!

11 Questions For My Nominees To Answer:

1. If you could change one moment in life, what would it be?
I would probably change...quitting my high school softball team. I think if I would have stuck it out, I could have been really good and would have focused more in school, leading to better grades and perhaps a different path in life. (not that I don't love mine, but you never know right?)

2. What is your favorite way to relax?
My favorite way to relax is probably shopping! I have a hard time sitting still for long periods of time. I am always keeping myself busy! I do love a good nap on Saturday's and Sunday's though!

3. If you had to paint everything in your life one color, what color would it be?
I am addicted to coral! Hence the font!

4. What is your dream car? 
Dream car would have to be a Mercedes GL series SUV. I love them!

5. If you could be famous for any reason, superficial or not, what would it be?
It would be for the ability to make a dollar turn into a 1000 in a second. Or, invent a money tree!

6. If you had to live in the city/town of any TV show, which would it be?
Beverly Hills or Orange my housewives!

7. What song on your iTunes has the highest play count?
I never listen to my iTunes...I'm all about some Pandora! I like to mix it up constantly.

8. If you could change one thing that's happened in the past, what would it be?
I would change getting plastic surgery when I was 18. Long story...I should do a post on it one of these days if anyone is interested in hearing about it.

9. Do you prefer the city or country?
When I was younger I preferred the city life. Now that I'm older, I like being away from the hustle and bustle and in the 'burbs' with the baby-makers! ;-)

10. What's your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve...hmmm...I have so many! :-D Probably my biggest is that person that thinks they know everything when they actually don't! It makes it almost impossible to talk to people like that or want to be their friend, ya know!

11. If you didn't have to work for an entire year, and money wasn't a factor, what would you do with your life?
I would probably invent my fitness clothing line I've always wanted and travel around the world to sell it in stores!

Thanks again Meagan for my nomination! Very sweet and thoughtful thing to do!

Everyone that is reading my me a favor and click 'Join this site' on the right hand side of this post. I need to see your love! ;-)

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