Saturday, February 9, 2013


Hey All!

Hope everyone has had an amazing week. I myself can say I have had better. :-( Wha Wha Wha....

I went to Denver this past week for work and it threw my whole schedule off, i.e. working out and eating right.

I think I gained back the 4 pounds I lost, and I haven't been motivated to workout. Thursday when I flew home I forced myself to go to took everything in me to get the energy to exercise.

Pushup into a burpee.

Ropes are the worst...but such a good workout!

Building those arm muscles!
For not having any motivation, I'll take it!
I was glad I pushed myself through the workout...but when I got home Bob was making TACO's! So I mainly burned all my dinner's calories.

House Update:

Coming along!  Took this @ our meeting on 2/8/13

Car Wash Shower sticks out on the left-hand side! Cannot wait to use it!
Friday, It's Friday:

Night out with Friends.
We decided to do a last minute happy hour with some friends on Friday night. I'm addicted to my bradybands now and never do my hair anymore! Lol! Since I am still on my 2-months no drinking for my New Years Resolution, I sipped on some lemon water...hmmmm! Lol. I can honestly say it's nice not being HUNGOVER and waking up refreshed the next morning. 

Normally when I drink, I wake up several times throughout the night, I'm dying of thirst from obviously being dehydrated, and then I'm lethargic the ENTIRE next day. No thank you! I am enjoying this nice change from the normal (which sounds horrible to say LOL). 

After I woke up, Lola was starring at me, so I asked her if she was wanted to get dressed with mommy! Lol. Don't ask me what I was thinking...I love dressing up my dog in ALL my clothes! She actually doesn't mind it. When I take it off she freaks out and doesn't stop nudging at it! Lola is the BEST dog I've EVER had. She is SO sweet and I cannot wait to have kids and take lots of photos with both my babies all dressed up :-)

Bully with a bull-zer on! Lol :-)

In other fabulous news, I bought this new book from Amazon. I've just started reading it, but mainly it talks about "intermediate fasting" and eating these 8-PowerFoods within an 8-hour period instead of the traditional 3 meals a day and 2 snacks in-between. 

I plan to update you all more on my thoughts, progress, and where I take it over the next few weeks. I do have to say one thing, this book has quite a bit of research associated with it and elaborates on laboratory tests in the beginning chapters, which is more than I thought it would go into. I like the science factor thus far and how you can actually see this was tested and researched and not just being thrown out there as another "diet." Call me a nerd or crazy, but it's really interesting!

I also finally received my Jullian Michaels video's! I am trying to mix up my cardio a bit and not just only have running and boot-camp in my fitness schedule.  I hear GREAT things about the 30-Day Shred so I'm super pumped to try it out!

To finish off the week, I went to go see my chicky @Paris Gallery Salon and Spa on Friday for my awesome Shellac Spa Mani! At first I wasn't sure if the pink was going to look ok...but now I am loving it! It looks so pretty with everything I wear and adds just a bit of color to make a pop to the outfit! Love Love!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday! I'm headed out to the gym here soon to burn off all the calories I ate at the Wing joint last night! I think I need to be there the rest of the night :-/ At least I'm not HUNGOVER! Yeah!!

See ya Fancies!


  1. I absolutely love every Jillian Michael's DVD I've tried, she's great and pushes me in the best way. I'm really curious to hear how you like the 8 hour diet, I've never heard of it but it sounds really interesting. If you like it I may have to check it out myself, I love getting diet tips from other bloggers!

    Also, I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Head over to the post linked below to get your questions!


  2. Thanks Meagan!!! That is super awesome of you to nominate me!!! :-) I cannot wait to try the Jullian video's out this weekend. The 8-hour diet is definitely an interesting approach, but at this point I will try anything to lose a few pounds! I will keep you posted on the results once I finish the book and start the process.

    Thanks again for you support! It's so great to hear that others can relate :-)


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