Sunday, February 3, 2013


Hey All!

Happy Sunday! I haven't had a single moment to myself since this past Thursday. It feels nice to be able to sit down and blog for a minute for the Super Bowl begins! Yesterday, a friend and I ran in a local 5K raising money for Leukemia and Lymphoma, while Bob was on picture duty! 

It was another successful run, but I did not see my pace increase :-( That made me a bit sad, but then I remember that it will come in time. I just need to keep on trying my best.

Hangin' with the Frog before the race! He was freakin' me out!

I was so exhausted right at the end I was glad to see Bob.
I realized I don't pick up my legs when I run...not sure why though?

OMG...look @ that HUGE a$$ :-D

I was SO excited about getting my first medal!
Overall, my time was 35:25. This time is up from last weekend but that's ok.  I will improve one of these days!

On another note, I realized I have MAJOR cankles too :-( I think that is what makes me feel like I look so fat in pictures. Bob asked if I just now noticed and I was like 'Ya!' :-D 

Does anyone know how to get rid of CANKLES???? I need some serious advice...seriously!

I have to work on the cankles because I found these AMAZEBALLS shoes Friday!

These shoes are apart of the DSW Disney Glass Slipper Collection. If you look closely on the bottom of the shoe, there is a little notch sticking near the center. It's a blue diamond for the 'something blue!' How ADORBS is that! I'm not even engaged yet but I have MY SHOES!!!

This past week I also received my shipment of BradyBands I ordered...they all are so cute!

That's all I got folks! I leave for Denver, CO, tomorrow morning for the week, so I'll have to get some good pic's to post!

Hope you have great Sunday Fancies!


  1. I wish I had some answers for the cankle crisis, but I have the same issue - such a pain, right?! Add that to the list of many reasons why I hate wearing shorts to the gym :-P

  2. Thanks @Meagan! I NEVER wear shorts, skirts, or anything ankle bearing usually! lol...hopefully one of these days I can run them off or something!


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